Success at the Graduate School of Business Administration depends on a number of factors ranging from motivation to practical knowledge to academic ability. The primary purpose of the admissions process is to determine a prospective student’s potential to successfully complete the requirements for each degree. Because the school enrols full-time, part-time, online, and international students, a variety of paths are available to individuals seeking admission. The student may apply for admission to the Graduate School in January. Applications for admission are based upon the stated criteria established by the Graduate Admission Committee. 

Applicants who hold an earned graduate degree in any discipline from a regionally accredited university, or a comparable foreign degree, and who are in good standing with that institution will be granted immediate full admission status. An applicant who does not already hold a graduate degree must show potential by satisfying at least two measures of capability. Full admission status allows a student who is in good standing with the university to take graduate courses in any order, as long as all programme and course prerequisites are met.

Conditional admission allows an applicant who meets at least one of the measures of capability to begin classes in the graduate programme under specific conditions. An applicant granted conditional admission must successfully complete the prerequisite courses determined by the Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies in which the applicant plans to study, before being considered for full admission status. Conditionally admitted students may take only the prerequisite courses and may not take any additional courses until their conditional status has been lifted. A student may not continue in the programme until all conditions of admission (as outlined in the student’s admissions agreement) have been satisfied.

Special student status allows a student to take up to three courses without seeking a degree. Applicants must meet the same criteria for admission as a degree-seeking applicant. An applicant may only be accepted as a special student one time; if the student wishes to take additional courses, the student must apply and be accepted to one of the Graduate School degree programmes. Since special students are not admitted to a programme, they are not eligible to appeal dismissal to the Academic Review Board.

City University of Windhoek welcomes applications to our wide range of graduate programmes. Admission decisions are based generally on evidence of achievement in undergraduate studies, strength of recommendations, clarity and professionalism of candidate’s written statements, and other materials submitted with the application. Standards are applied rigorously, the purpose being to identify applicants who show promise of benefiting from advanced studies and who are likely to make significant contributions to the graduate community and their chosen profession. Admission standards for graduate programmes are generally more rigorous than those for undergraduate degrees.


The following general admission requirements apply to all graduate programmes. Admission policies stated here are the minimum requirements of the Graduate School of Business Administration.

1. A completed application form and non-refundable application fee made payable to City University of Windhoek.

2. Official transcripts documenting the award of a bachelor’s degree. The transcripts must contain the university seal and be in a sealed  envelope.

3. For individuals applying to a doctoral programme, official transcripts documenting the award of a Master’s degree. The transcripts must contain the university seal and be in a sealed envelope.

4. Official transcripts of any graduate courses taken or degrees held.

5. Two reference letters. Appropriate reference would include those from professors and academic advisers, and, in some cases, employers, supervisors, and other professional contacts.

6. A 500 to 1000-word, double-spaced statement of purpose addressing the following questions: What factors in your personal and professional history have influenced you in the past and now lead you to seek admission to this programme at City University of Windoek? What are your long-term professional goals, and how will this programme help you to meet them? Is there any other information that you think would help the admission committee evaluate your application?

7. Curriculum Vitae.


In addition to the information above, international students will need to provide the following information:

1. A complete, official transcript documenting the award of a bachelor’s degree (a photocopy is not acceptable). All transcripts from foreign universities must have an approved agency’s evaluation (NQA) of courses, grades, and academic degrees,.

2. A scan of the student’s passport photo page.

PostGraduate Admissions